Genetic Programming 1998 Conference (GP-98)
July 22 - 25 (Wednesday - Saturday), 1998
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Wisconsin USA
In Cooperation with the American Association for Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI), the IEEE Neural Networks Council, Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM), ACM SIGART, and IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
(Held just before AAAI-98 on July 26 - 30, 1998 in Madison)
"Genetic programming is automatic programming.
For the first time since the idea of automatic programming was first discussed
in the late 40's and early 50's, we have a set of non-trivial, non-tailored,
computer-generated programs that satisfy Samuel's exhortation: 'Tell the
computer what to do, not how to do it.' "
--- John Holland, University of Michigan
GENERAL INFORMATION: Genetic programming is an automatic programming
technique for evolving computer programs that solve (or approximately solve)
problems. Starting with a primordial ooze of thousands of randomly created
computer programs, a population of programs is progressively evolved over
many generations using the Darwinian principle of survival of the fittest,
a sexual recombination operation, and occasional mutation.
Over 800 technical papers have been published since 1992 in this rapidly
growing field.
The 1997 Genetic Programming Conference at Stanford University featured
20 tutorials, 3 invited speakers, 70 papers 15 poster papers in a peer-reviewed
proceedings book published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, as well as 38
late-breaking papers and 16 PhD Student Presentations in a separate book.
Registration at the second GP conference in l997 was more than 350 and exceeded
the 288 of the first GP conference in 1996.
The main focus of the GP-98 conference (and most of the papers) is on genetic
programming. In addition, papers describing recent developments in closely
related areas will be reviewed and selected by special program committees
appointed and supervised by the special program chairs. These areas will
SUBMITTING PAPERS TO GP-98: The deadline for arrival at the physical
mail address of the AAAI below of eight (8) paper copies of each submitted
paper is Wednesday, January 21, 1998. Papers are to be in single-spaced,
10-point type on 8 1/2" x 11" paper with 1" margin at top
and 3/4" margin at left, right, and bottom. A4 paper may be used, but
not e-mail or fax. Papers are to contain ALL of the following 9 items, contained
entirely within a maximum total of 9 pages, IN THIS ORDER: (1) the paper's
category (chosen from one of the following alternatives: Genetic Programming,
Genetic Algorithms, Evolutionary Programming, Evolutionary Strategies, Evolvable
Hardware, ----additional categories to be added here--- ), (2) title of
paper, (3) author name(s), (4) author physical address(es), (5) author e-mail
address(es), (6) author phone number(s), (7) a 50-200 word abstract of the
paper, (8) the text of the paper (including all figures, tables, acknowledgments,
and appendices, if any), and (9) bibliography. Review criteria will include
significance of the work, novelty, sufficiency of information to permit
replication (if applicable), clarity, and writing quality. The first-named
author (or other designated corresponding author) will be notified of acceptance
or rejection within approximately six weeks after the paper submission deadline.
Different numbers of pages will probably be allocated to various accepted
papers (e.g., at GP-96 and GP-97, there were 9-page papers, 6-page papers,
and 1-page poster papers in the proceedings book). The deadline for final
camera-ready version of accepted papers will be announced and will be approximately
three weeks after notification of acceptance. Proceedings books will be
distributed at the conference (and, if requested, mailed at no extra charge
by 2-day priority mail to registered conference attendees with U.S. addresses
about two weeks prior to the conference). By submitting a paper, the author(s)
agree that they will submit a final revised camera-ready version of their
accepted paper and register at least and that at least one author will register,
attend, and present each accepted and published paper at the conference.
The style of the camera-ready paper will be announced, but will be substantially
that of the GP-97 Conference. The instructions for the final
camera-ready paper are available by clicking here. A LaTeX2e style
sheet prepared by Peter Marenbach (
of the Darmstadt University of Technology is available that was packed using
and 'gzip'
the second with a DOS-like 'zip'. Both files consist of a style file, a
simple example file and a bibtex style file (for use with harvard.sty).
on Tuesday July 21, 1998 chaired by Una-May O-Reilly.
or contact GP-98 Conference, c/o American Association for Artificial Intelligence,
445 Burgess Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025; PHONE: 650-328-3123; FAX: 650-321-4457.
Koza GP-98 Chair, Computer Science Department, Stanford University,
Conference operated by Genetic Programming Conferences Inc., a California
not-for-profit corporation.
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