for the
Genetic Programming 1998 Conference
July 22 - 25 (Wednesday - Saturday), 1998
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Wisconsin USA
DEADLINE: Wednesday, October 1, 1997
This is a solicitation for proposals for tutorials for the GP-98 conference
to be held on July 22 - 25 (Wednesday - Saturday), 1998 at the University
of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin.
The goal of a tutorial at the conference is to provide a road map (for beginners
or advanced attendees) about a subject area so that attendees can then pursue
work in that area if they are so inclined. Generally, tutorials emphasize
breadth, rather than depth. Generally, tutorials should cover material from
a variety of different authors. However, there are exceptions (e.g., David
Andre's tutorial on Frederic Gruau's cellular encoding at GP-96 covered
one technique by one author). A common (but not necessary) approach is to
work through one example in great detail and then quickly cover many related
The conference STRONGLY ENCOURAGES proposals containing NEW ideas and NEW
There have been three kinds of tutorials in the past:
- SPECIALIZED GP TUTORIALS relating to some aspect of genetic programming
(e.g., program growth control in GP, machine language GP,
- BROADER EC TUTORIALS covering topics related to evolutionary
computation, artificial life, or biologically motivated computing (e.g.,
GA, EP, ES, classifier systems, evolvable hardware, DNA computing, self-reproducing
cellular automata, EC with Mathematica),
- INTER-DISCIPLINARY tutorials covering non-GP/non-EC topics of
potential interest to attendees (e.g., computational molecular biology for
computer scientists, computational learning theory, neural networks, machine
The conference STRONGLY ENCOURAGES proposals on NEW subjects. For example,
it might be interesting to have a tutorial on artificial life, parallel
computing, complex systems, ECHO, Tierra, cellular automata, specific application
areas, clusters of workstations, statistical testing methods, etc.
Most tutorials in the past have had one tutorial speaker and have run for
two hours. Tutorials covering 4 hours may be proposed (preferably with at
least one half being a stand-alone segment). Since attendance at tutorials
is part of the attendee's conference fee, attendance at tutorials tends
to range from about 40 to 125, depending on topic.
Tutorial subjects can be repeated from year to year if there appears to
be continuing interest.
Each tutorial must contain a bibliography so the attendee can pursue the
subject if he is so inclined.
The tutorials will be given during various yet-to-be-determined slots of
time somewhere between Wednesday and Saturday. Since GP-98 is adjacent to
AAAI-98 (July 26 - 30, 1998 in Madison), we are considering having some
tutorials on the last day of GP-98 (Saturday July 25) in order to attract
AAAI-98 attendees. Ideas from people presenting tutorials are invited.
There are five major preparatory steps for having a tutorial at GP-98:
- Name, institutional affiliation, physical address, phone, fax, e-mail,
WWW address of the proposed presenter(s).
- A proposed title for the tutorial.
- A self-contained 200-300 word description of the tutorial (that will
be put onto the WWW pages of the conference).
- A 100-200 word biogrpahical sketch (that will be put onto the WWW pages
of the conference).
- A somewhat more detailed outline or prose description of your tutorial
Please send you tutorial proposals to by the
deadline date above.
Tutorial speakers have four obligations.
- sign a contract by December 17, 1997 providing their social security
number and agreeing to the honorarium
- provide paper copies (50% of actual size, laid out side-by-side 2-up
on a page) of their transparencies by Wednesday April 29, 1998. This is
important so that we can make tutorial booklets en masse at discounted prices
for distribution to attendees at the conference. The tutorial should contain
a title page containing whatever identifying or contact information you
care to provide to attendees.
- confirm their audio/visual requirements by Wednesday April 29, 1998
- present their tutorial at the conference.
The available audio/visual support for tutorials consists of overhead transparency
projector and, if requested by Wednesday April 29, 1998, a VHS NTSC video
tape player. The conference cannot provide more elaborate audio/visual requirements,
such as computers.
The conference compensates tutorial speakers with a flat-rate fixed honorarium
that is paid by check at the conference. If a tutorial has two speakers,
the honorarium is split between the two speakers. The amounts that will
be offered are yet to be determined, will depend on the number of acceptable
proposals, and will probably follow a different formula form the past (since
we will not have access to so large a contingent of local, lower-paid tutorial
Tutorial speakers are reminded that GP-98 is adjacent to AAAI-98 and several
other conferences in Madison that have tutorials. Some topics may be suitable
(with or without modification) for presentation at more than one conference.
Proposers should check the WWW page of each particular conference for details.
Click here for American Association for Artificial
Last Updated: August 10, 1997
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